In this card you will find codes for rares / diamond pack items!
If there are any missing please add me on discord: ,mar#6666 and i will add them for you :D
weirdo: 1163
Sakura : 18852
Alice hair : 1217
cupid hair : 9769
bloody hair ultra : 2470
hollywood darling : 8153
santa beard : 1144
cartoon hair : 22
space afro : 1162
Afro with beard : 1157
BIG AFRO : 1166
prom hair: 10299
around the world: 1164
annie: 1165
greek hair: 8537
burger hair: 6566
miami hair: 8196
fruit hair: 6315
panama hair: 6622
ballon hair: 11417
indian: 1146
punk placebo: 1210
water tresses: 6020
snow angel: 9350
çin saç: 12159
pixi hair : 9868
fibi & goa hair : 6206
animated rainbow hair : 6201
pineapple dress: 6317
cat top: 1247
sarah jessica: 1273
beating heart: 1076
pumpkin shirt: 1420
ready4fall: 1354
blood spatter: 1421
dots: 41
stitch top : 1075
Twin hearts : 1620
scary top : 13477
F top : 1583
Foxy lady : 1311
short c shirt : 13
tank c shirt : 9
Wing devlish top : 1312
blue hammerhand shirt : 1314
wow top : 11
c shirt : 14
ribcage: 4247
cupid top: 9770
chanel: 2627
el toro: 1251
prom dress: 10298
panama dress: 6621
greek: 8538
miami dress: 8196
rainy day: 1244
naked girl: 1430
prince of uk: 1255
starwars: 1256
micheal jackson: 1258
killer clown: 1250
bikini top: 1548
msp dress: 6419
moderator top: 15257
rags to stitches: 17618
Mirror Dress ; 4917
my little pony dress: 17706
striped c pants : 32
Hearts bottoms : 47
short c pants : 34
c pants : 2
shourt trousers: 8
short trousers: 32
ninja: 58
interesting pants: 1341
fierce adventure: 3786
c shoes : 29
c sneakers : 10
flat c hat : 17
bucket c hat : 16
other c hat : 7
stitch mouth : 7158
face cuts : 7116
guts : 2461
Party hat : 1268
witch hat : 1417
old crown : 1327
branch : 2463
Pumpkin earings : 1395
double ghost earings : 1393
Spikey : 1321
channel glasses : 1282
chcik earings : 3317
ny hat: 1794
magican hat: 1558
lil' lady: 1266
deer antlers: 2570
chick hat: 4858
pumpkin headband: 1398
burning glassess: 6171
coffin carrier: 4126
love supreme hat: 4555
Diamond Cap ; 4914
girl bella: 2118
boy bella: 2121
girl jacob: 2119
boy jacob: 2122
girl edward: 2120
boy edward: 2123
vampire girl: 2124
wolf lover: 2125
seashell hair: 19341
seashell dress: 19342
seashell bag: 19344
seashell shoes: 19343
Bunny Hair 25154
Bunny Dress 25151
Bunny Shoes 25155
Bunny Carrot 25156
Male Bunny Hair 25153
Male Bunny Shirt 25152
Male Bunny Shoes 25155
Male Bunny Carrot 25157
Bee Hair 26148
Bee Dress 26150
Bee Wings 26154
Bee Shoes 26152
Cg Hat 27903
Cg Hair 27902
Cg Pants 27901
Cg Shirt 27900
Berry Hair 24858
Berry Dress 24860
Berry Hearts 24863
Berry Shoes 24862
drip hair: 21469
drip dress: 21471
drip shoes: 24173
male drip hair: 21470
male drip jacket: 21472
male drip shoes: 21473
turtle hair: 20082
turtle dress: 20083
turtle lei: 20084
bratz dress: 22915
bratz shoes: 22913
bratz hair: 22911
xoxo girl top: 28716
xoxo hair: 28717
xoxo accessoire: 28718
xoxo heels: 28719
Pixi hair: 9868
Pixi bow: 9870
Pixi headphones: 9910
Pixi dress: 9866
Pixi bag: 9871
Pixi shoes: 9873
chanel hair: 23669
chanel dress: 23671
chanel shoes: 23673
chanel bag: 23676